
On this page you will find the disclaimer of Comptoir Adam B.V. In this disclaimer we indicate the conditions under which we offer the information on our web shop to you.

No guarantee of accuracy

Although Comptoir Adam B.V. strives to provide reliable and up-to-date information on this website, apparent printing and typesetting errors are not binding. Should, despite these efforts, the information on this webshop be incomplete and/or incorrect, we cannot accept any liability for this. The information and products on this website are offered without any guarantee or claim of accuracy.

We reserve the right to change, remove or repost these materials without any prior notice. Third-party information, products and services The Comptoir Adam B.V. website contains links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for the content, use on third-party websites. The use of such links is at your own risk.


Information provided on this website
The information on this website may not be copied, distributed or used or misused in any other way. You may only reuse the information on this webshop according to the regulations of mandatory law. Without the express written consent of Comptoir Adam B.V. it is not permitted to use text, photo material or other materials on this website.


Should this disclaimer change, you will find the most recent version of Comptoir Adam B.V.'s disclaimer on this page. For more information on the above please contact our customer service:

Comptoir Adam B.V.
Email: info@beautyaswell.com
Telephone number:

  • Belgium: +32 (0) 3 541 36 45
  • The Netherlands: +32 (0) 3 541 36 45
  • International: +32 3 541 36 45